OPM Medical Retirement: The noisy neighborhood

It is the collective organism reflecting the individual, somewhat like the tripartite division of Plato’s theory of the soul; the neighborhood, filled with noises differentiated by weekdays, Fridays and weekends, reflects the character of the separate families who congregate to make up the entirety.  And, like Plato’s argument against appearances versus the reality of the essence of a thing, the façade of a neighborhood – the architectural structures, the number of bedrooms in each, the style of the roofs and the slope, […] Read More …

Federal Disability Retirement: Possibilities to pursue

In one sense, it is nonsensical to ask the question: “Is it possible to…?” For, is there any limitation to the concept of the possible? Isn’t it possible that there are Martians on Mars, but in a parallel universe unseen and concealed from the human eye? Isn’t it possible that the room you leave disintegrates molecularly, then reconstitutes itself the moment you reenter? Isn’t it possible that it will rain tomorrow, despite the national weather service predicting otherwise (this latter example is actually not too absurd, as it is a regular occurrence experienced by most)? […] Read More …