Disability Retirement for Federal Employees: The unmerited edge

And what did they all do to merit the position of harassing?  Merely a negation of something never earned:  Not getting sick; not becoming crippled with a medical condition; not having a medical disability.  Of what accolades should be showered for that?  Why is it that the person whose only success in life is a negation of nothingness, should have any edge at all, merited, unmerited or otherwise?  Life often makes no sense; and, while the concept of “fairness” is quite a subjective one, […] Read More …

Medical Retirement from Federal Employment: Scoffing paradigms

Of course, such a title can have a double entendre or duality of meanings – that, in the first instance, the accent is upon the word “scoffing” with a lowering of one’s voice upon “paradigms”, and that would mean: One turns up one’s nose at the very idea of paradigms. Or, alternatively, if both words are of equally monotonous tonal undulations, then it could mean that the paradigm itself is one which scoffs at other paradigms, differing principles or contrary perspectives. […] Read More …

Federal Employee Disability Retirement: Those spaces in between

Between each word; separating being from nothingness; that which allows for something is contingent upon the void that distinguishes, and without the lack there can be no substance.  Time doesn’t exist without space for movement of bodies of mass; such stillness echoes […] Read More …