Disability Retirement for Federal Employees: The unmerited edge

And what did they all do to merit the position of harassing?  Merely a negation of something never earned:  Not getting sick; not becoming crippled with a medical condition; not having a medical disability.  Of what accolades should be showered for that?  Why is it that the person whose only success in life is a negation of nothingness, should have any edge at all, merited, unmerited or otherwise?  Life often makes no sense; and, while the concept of “fairness” is quite a subjective one, […] Read More …

Medical Retirement from Federal Government Employment: Parting grace in silence

Does grace extend even when the intended recipient is unaware of its attachment?  Can the undeclared withdrawal of revenge justified have its own inherent rewards, without the unsolicited admission left silent by anonymity undaunted?  If given the choice between leaving the scene where injustice prevailed and dominated – of wreaking revenge or parting grace in silence – which would we choose?  Of course, there is a greater contextual awakening to be narrated before such an event would occur – of quietly enduring the daily harassment, the constant criticism and demeaning remarks; of refuting, rebutting and reacting, as against an agency that initiates adverse actions […] Read More …